Friday, July 12, 2013

Plans for the future to save energy

So I've introduced myself now it's time to talk about how excited I am to start this thing although I am gonna take a little while longer to get us out of this house I can only imagine life being free . There is something about having cool gadgets that fold up and that you can take anywhere .My favorite saying  home is where my feet is . Talking about cool gadgets ! Heres a question for you?  Have you seen The gadget that boils water from a solar  panel ! Super cool ! Great for all those boon dockers out there . Getting hot water is easy enough even when you're camping off the grid.  Just start a fire, fill that pack-away kettle with water, and leave it to boil.  The Solar kettle it is called . No out let needed perfect saves your electricity for something else like staying longer in a spot . Just start boiling water for my tea using the sun , Brilliant idea . Also another thing I want to buy is those portable washers the hand crank one I believe it's called the wonder washer . Me and big mike accumulate a lot of laundry we really need to start to be better about that . I think that this change in our life style will help us be better about conserving everything like water ,food , electricity and help us get back to whats important . Our high tech world is great don't get me wrong I love it , but I feel that it's crippling everyone too.
Guys there are so many products that can help us conserve better and I really don't see a lot of people using them . Why? Is it cause no one knows about these things ? I'm going crazy in this apartment all I can think about is how I can improve energy and save water and just be better. I look around and I see no one else that agrees with me here  , instead I see wrappers on the ground , lights left on and the water running . I'm constantly picking up trash around my building . When you live with roommates  like we do , sometimes I tend to follow them around to shut of the lights cause I don't want to pay a honking electric bill which I feel is going to happen this month I'm grinding my teeth waiting for it . I understand now that I wasn't meant to live in a apt at all in any way it stresses me out and I can't relax . When I do move into my camper I'm am already imagining the freedom and the relief I will have . I can't hardly wait guys I really can't ! If you have any suggestions for me about picking the perfect camper please feel free to comment the more comments the better . I was thinking I want a small one but with a lot of storage so where do I go from there I'm on a tight budget right now and it will take me awhile to save for something like that . I know that i will get there eventually and i will be able to come up with other cool gadgets to help me conserve energy but for now  i am in this apartment dreaming and planning . Well thanks for reading my post this is a blast .  Love ,
                  Faith and big mike

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