Sunday, July 14, 2013

A cool child hood memory of my rv bus and why I like that life style now

It's faith here,
  I wanted to share some childhood memories of when I used to go camping . I believe that my love for freedom started young . One of my favorite memories is when my farther turned a school bus into a camper . What a cool idea .

So I'll see if I can paint a picture in your mind of what it looked like .this was a cool project . It started of yellow of course and my farther wanted a more earthly look so he pick a cream color beige with a brown strip on it he painted the entire bus and built a storage compartment on the top and painted that to . I looked pretty cool on the outside . But on the inside is where my favorite part of my life came into play . We drove around a lot in it and he wanted us to be very comfy so he put a couch in there tv looked like a regular living room it was nice then you go threw the bunk bed area one bunk on top of the other I loved those bunks it was like my own little fort  then if you keep going threw till you get to the back he just put a lil Porte potty  in there for our long drives , wich i was thrilled to take rides in that thing haha . I remember I had to be about six and he would take me everywhere . Sometimes we would pull over and he would climb to the top of the bus where storage was and grab my bike out of there so I can ride my bike and play with all my toys in our big back yard meaning were every we stopped , sometimes it would be at the beach others it would be at the mountains it was always to somewhere new I had a very fulfilling childhood everything was new to me all the time I learned so much and  learned not to take life for granted .  My favorite is falling asleep and waking up in the different spots and the feeling of never being bored. I used to swim a lot so we would take the old tires the ones that used to have the inner tubes in them and we would recycle those and use them as our floats haha . Mom would reuse them also she and dad made planters dad would cut out shapes and turn the tire inside out and mom would paint them and people always wanted to buy them cause they were very  creative they made money when they needed it and boy I loved to see them create them . We have 1 picture of me and my lil brother (lil mike)   on the bus   sitting on the hood of it  . I will have to add that some other time it's in my storage I need to get that out anyways . So because of my child hood and all the fun times I had with different scenery I think that contributes to how I am now . I just love that way of living and I am blessed to have a great fun family to teach me how to enjoy my life . That's all guys hope you have fun reading my interesting stories . Till the next time keep your mind opened that life can change if you want it to and it truly can be a beautiful thing .
Sincerely ,.
          Faith and big mike 

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